Monday, October 24, 2011


I will post later…too much to do at work today.  Here are some of my favorite photos from the trip!

Yes - I had to get a picture with the firemen!!!
The protesters were so annoying!

Very windy at the top of Rockefeller

Lady Liberty

Serendipity - so yummy!

Beautiful Central Park

Total tourists taking a carriage ride through Central Park

Top of the Empire State Building

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


This is what I received in the mail yesterday.  What a great reminder of what I don’t have this month.  I’m so ready to get the hell out of here!  I promise to be in a better mood when I get back!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Meeting a Blog Friend IRL

I had the privilege to meet Hannah over at Life Happens last weekend.  She was visiting friends in Arizona and so we were able to meet up for dessert!  I have met so many amazing women because of blogging and it was great to finally meet Hannah in real life!!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

I have so much to say

I don’t even know where to begin. I have so much to say and I have just been too busy to blog. I have been reading everyone’s posts but for some reason I am having trouble commenting while at work.

I have gone to see the perinatologist and reviewed my history with him. I absolutely loved the peri we met with. He took the time and really seemed to care about us and everything that has happened. The long story short is that he recommended thawing our four frozen blasts to test them for chromosomal issues. He thinks there might have been a chromosomal issue with the placenta and possibly Gavin that caused everything. No one knows for sure but his reasoning was sound and it’s a possibility. The peri called my RE and they chatted about my case for a while. Now the issue is do I want to test my frozen embryos? Typically the RE does the PDG testing on fresh three day embryos not frozen 5 day blasts. So in talking with my RE he is going to put together a plan and a cost for this testing. It’s possible to test 5 day frozen blasts but there is no laser or anyone qualified in AZ to do this so they would either have to fly the equipment and expert to Phoenix to do this or ship my embryos to Colorado or Stanford. If they ship them for testing the RE that does the test might want me to fly to their office to do the transfer(s). This is all sounding very expensive. I also worry if the embryos will survive the thaw, test, freeze, rethaw and transfer. Does it matter losing a cell or two at the five day blast stage? Should I not worry about testing the embryos and hope for the best? What if we do this testing and all four have issues and then I am back to square one? I have so many questions and fears. I guess I will wait to hear from my RE with his suggestions and plan.

On a side note I had my sono mock done and my RE checked my uterus for scarring. Everything checked out A ok! Depending on testing of the embryos and how long it takes I am hoping to do my next FET in December.

We are heading out on our consolation trip to NYC on Thursday. I have such mixed feelings about the trip. I am very excited to go to the greatest city in the US for a week and not think about real life but at the same time I keep thinking that I should be having a baby October 17th not going out to a nice dinner. I hope I am able to clear my thoughts and enjoy this time with hubby.

Oh and one more thing….September was our 5 year TTC anniversary. Such a sucky milestone.

Back to work…I have 8 million things to do before we leave!


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