I know that I can’t just start writing on here like I haven’t missed the last 8 months of blogging and I’m not even sure if anyone still reads this blog but…. I want to leave this space here so hopefully my story can help someone else. I still follow all the blogs on my reader. I am not the best commenter but I am nosy enough to read! Please email me if you want to connect in Facebook or Instagram.
Things with us are great. Charlotte is keeping us very busy. She is a very determined 10 month old. I am busy planning her first birthday party. We are going with a hot pink/ Zebra theme! I can’t wait. I am still trying to figure out how to balance working full time and spending as much time with her. I am very lucky because my sister watches her for me. C gets lots of love and attention. Right now my sister’s four kids (ages 12 to 21) are home on summer break and spoil C. I don’t think they ever put her down!
I’m starting to come to terms that she will probably be our one and only baby. Since having her I have not been on bc in hopes of the miracle BFP but nothing yet. We have two frosties that we are considering using but they are not the best quality. Hubs and I have decided to not do IVF again so…I guess I will patiently wait for my miracle while enjoying running after C! I have saved all of her baby clothes and gear in hopes to get to use it again. It takes up half of our guest room. Not sure how long I should save the stuff. I guess for a year and after that re-evaluate.
Happy Monday and I will try to post more than once every six months!
Charlotte's 10 Month Photos |