Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Good to go

Had my ultrasound today and I am good to go with my transfer next week.  My lining is an 8b – they like to see 7 or more (not sure what the b means) and my ovaries are nice and quite.  I start vaginal progesterone tomorrow and continue taking the estrace.  The transfer will be on Monday.  Question for you guys…should I be on baby aspirin?  I could have sworn that I took it during my last IVF and FET but I am not 100% sure.  Should I ask about it?


  1. Best of luck! Thinking of you.

  2. Good luck, Jennifer. I'm pulling for you :)

  3. Best of luck to you! I hope this cycle is a success!

  4. I am praying so hard for you! I didn't use baby aspirin during my IVF but you should definitely ask.

  5. Keeping you in my prayers! Will be thinking of you on Monday.

    I can't remember if I took the baby aspirin or not, but I wanna say I did.

  6. Good luck!! I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the very best!

  7. Wishing you SO MUCH luck.

    I've been on baby aspirin post transfer but I know not all REs believe it is necessary. I'd definitely ask, though.

  8. Good luck to you guys next week:)

  9. Never done the baby asprin myself but I'd ask the RE if I were you first before using it. Good luck!

  10. I think the baby aspirin would be worth bringing up. I'm on it for a full IVF cycle, and when they explained why, they mentioned that it's to cover the percentage of patients that do have clotting issues preventing implantation or growth.

    Kindof one of those, can't hurt, might help, might as well. I'd try for it- I'd hate to have this fail and then second-guess it, ya know?

    Fingers crossed for you, and good luck!!!

  11. Good luck! I'd ask them about the aspirin. I think that given what you've been through, it can't hurt to take throughout though. But, I'm not an expert and your clinic should know best! So many positive thoughts hun (*hugs*)

  12. I was put on baby asprin after both IUI and IVF. So, you may want to check with your RE about it. All the very best!

  13. much luck to you!!!
    I was on aspirin but only b/c I have a blood clotting disorder and was seen by a hematologist for treatments.

  14. Good luck, Jennifer! I'm rooting for you. xo

  15. Just came across your blog today, and I'm so sorry for your losses. After struggling with IF, I lost my son Isaac at 18 weeks last April.

    Many prayers for you on this new cycle and good luck!

  16. i'm so anxious and excited for you! i'll be praying and crossing everything for you!

    by the way, i gave you the liebster award on my blog. hugs!

  17. Yay! Thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed. I'm on baby aspirin, it cant hurt.

  18. I'm excited for you! Good luck!!



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