Monday, April 2, 2012


This is the furthest that I have made it in any of my pregnancies. It’s a nice feeling but I still let my crazy mind wonder and get the best of me. I have Squatter’s anatomy scan tomorrow and I am excited but also nervous at the same time. I have no reason to think there will be bad news but due to past experience I kind of expect it.

Here is a picture of me from this weekend – sorry it’s so dark and camera phone sucks. My puppy Chase had to sneak in the picture with me. I am starting to embrace the belly!



  1. You look great! Good luck at your scan, can't wait to hear how it goes!

  2. You look so cute! Good luck at your anatomy scan and keep us posted!

  3. you're almost 19 weeks!!! YAY! crappy camera phone or not, you look like one hot mama. you have the perfect pregnant figure! good luck at the scan. can't wait to hear how it goes. :)

  4. Good look perfect :)

  5. Still praying for you! And I will be for another 21 weeks ;-) Your bump is adorable!

  6. You look great and I love your puppy in the picture. Adorable!

    Thinking of you and your anatomy scan!

  7. You look awesome!! Aww, that's so cute that your puppy is gazing up at you and his future sibling. :) Good luck today!

  8. You look great!!! Has squatter started moving? Once that gets going, you will feel so much better!

  9. You are so cute with your little bump! And I love how Chase is staring at you/bump!

    Good luck with the ananatomy scan. :)

  10. Congrats on making it further than any other pregnancy! Just 21 more weeks to go!

  11. Ah, you look great with your little baby bump!

    Hoping the scan goes great. I understand the fear though. Good luck.

  12. Yeah for being pregnant longer than you have ever been! I know it was a great feeling for me as well. Although I also completely understand the crazy mind thing as well.
    Hope the scan goes well tomorrow!

  13. YAY for such a great milestone! And you and the bump are adorable.

    Chase is pretty darn cute too. :)



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