Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I'm having trouble evicting my Squatter

I went into the hospital at 430am yesterday morning for my induction.  They got me checked in and started me on gel.  I had three gel treatments that consisted of gel inserted into my cervix to get it softened and effaced.  They would insert the gel and I would lay there for an hour then they would have me walk the hospital for 40 minutes.  They would do an internal check to see my progress and repeat the progress.  I started at 2cm dilated and 75% effaced...I ended the three treatments at 2.5 cm dilated and 80% effaced.  Since my body was not responding I got to do the walk of shame and head home.  I am going back in to try again tomorrow night.  I hope they have a better plan for me.  They are still concerned with my high blood pressure and the protein levels in my urine so they are ready to induce.  I am now 39 weeks so I hope my body realizes its job soon and we are able to successfully able to evict my Squatter!  More to come!!!


  1. Haha, I do love your title! Hope you get to hold that sweet babe tomorrow!

  2. Good luck! I hope things go smoothly and everything works out.

  3. Hope things get moving along soon!

  4. You've made an awesome environment and now Squatter doesn't want to go! Good luck with attempt number two!

  5. I hope tomorrow goes better. When I was induced for pre-eclampsia, they did cervadil the first night & started pitocin the following morning. No walk of shame or me & you had a better response to the gel than I did ;)

    Keeping you & the squatter in my thoughts & prayers....hoping for a safe & pain free delivery!

    Good luck!

  6. Good luck with your appointment tomorrow.
    I'm 40+2 today and Paxlet is still baking. The hospital won't think of inducing me until next week sometime. I'm ready for Paxlet to be here though! But I do keep trying to remind myself that he'll come when he is ready, not when I'm ready. hahah

  7. Good luck! Will be thinking of you. Xoxo.

  8. Good luck with everything!! I'll be thinking about you today!

  9. Wow! Best of luck with everything! So exciting!!!

  10. So excited for you!!!! Can't wait to hear the news.

  11. Thinking of you!!! Good luck!

  12. Wishing you lots of luck with eviction attempt #2!!!!

  13. Good luck - although it might be all over by now!

  14. Good luck!! Wishing you the best, and an easy eviction :)

  15. Come out squatter! We can't wait to meet you!

  16. I was just thinking about you yesterday wondering if you had your baby yet. Good luck, I hope you lil Squatter comes out safely and painlessly!

  17. I'm starting to get worried!!! Any news?



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