I guess my December FET is a go! I started my estrace two weekends ago (twice a day). My FET will be on December 12th. Seems so far away but it’s really just around the corner – two weeks from today. I am excited with a little bit of hope mixed in, but also scared shitless. We are proceeding with transferring 1 embryo at a time. There is a part of me that wants to transfer 2 but I should be conservative. My embryos are frozen in pairs so they will thaw – transfer one then refreeze the other one. Not an ideal situation but not much else to do. We are not going to proceed with having our blasts tested because of the hassle of it all. I would have to call a RE in Colorado (they have the high tech capabilities) and have my frozen embryos transferred and start the process all over with them. Crazy - not even thinking of the additional cost associated but all the additional time. I am going to have to have faith that my 4 frozen blasts are of good chromosomal quality. It’s going to be a long couple of months.