For each of my pregnancies we have given the baby a nickname. For the first pregnancy we called it our “Little Bean” (not very original but hey). So, we lovingly referred the baby as LB for the 10 weeks it was with us. Even now we refer to that pregnancy as LB.
My second loss ended so early that we didn’t have a chance to come up with a nickname so we refer to it as LB2.
For Gavin we referred to the baby as “Costa” until we named him. This was our baby that was going to stop us from moving to Costa Rica so the nickname was fitting. Yes – you heard me…if we have to be DINKs we will probably end up moving to the beach somewhere and finding jobs in a foreign land! We have to have a backup plan! I even bought Rosetta Stone to learn Spanish but that is on the back burner right now. A story for another day or hopefully one that will never happen!
My current baby has been lovingly nicknamed “The Squatter”. I told my hubby that I was hungry one night lying in bed and he made a joke about the squatter stealing all my food and well - it just stuck! Instead of calling the baby “it” we talk about our Squatter! I will evict The Squatter in about 33 weeks!
The Squatter is currently kicking my butt. My all day sickness is here with a vengeance.
It makes me happy to know that I am sick – I am hoping sick = healthy baby!