Friday, April 22, 2011

What are the odds?

I think getting an NT scan just to get the extra U/S may have not been the best idea for us. I was all about getting tested when I heard the word ultrasound. I would never pass up a chance to see the little baby! The U/S went great and the measurement of the space at the base of the neck (nuchal fold) was right on with the normal size. 1.1 I think…Then they did the blood draw and I left the office with photos in hand and couldn’t have been happier.

I had actually forgotten we were tested until I got the phone call with the results. I was surprised to see that my doctors office was calling me and I innocently answered. The NT test scans for Down syndrome and Trisomy 19. The nurse told me that I was high risk for Down syndrome – a 1 and 6 chance and low risk for the Trisomy. I was shocked. I didn’t expect to be in the high risk category. I know that my risk goes up because I am 35 but I hated actually hearing this. So there is an 83% chance this baby is totally normal. I just hate the fact that I even have to worry about the other 17% …I know there are lots of false positives with this test but I am usually not that lucky. I think we have decided to get an amnio just to know. I need to be prepared if our little baby has downs. Any others out there that had an amnio done?

*The anti nausea meds have been helping!  It feels nice to eat a normal meal again.

** Edit to post - I forgot to mention that we did talk to a genetics but he didn’t give us any information that we didn’t already know thanks to Dr Google.  Basically my hormone levels are off and my age point to downs.  I was too far along for the CVS scan so I have to wait.  They never mentioned anything about a second blood draw...I will do some checking.  My Anatomy scan and Amino is scheduled for May 17th - I will be 18.5 weeks along.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I finally broke down and called the OB for some anti-nausea meds. I have been puking every day for the last two weeks. Some days I only puke once but the other days it can be 10 + times. I need to feel better and eat a normal meal. All I can keep down right now are carbs. I am a little surprised that I still feel like this. I guess everyone is different and I will continue to feel crappy for a couple more weeks. I do smile everyday at the fact that I feel so crappy. Everyone says it’s a sign of a healthy baby and that is all I really want!

I am starting to pop out a bit…I had to tell everyone at work because there was no more hiding it! It’s a relief that they all know. The ladies in my office have been really sweet and keep asking if I need anything…the guys barley notice so that is good!

I noticed I lost a couple followers this week. I totally understand! I have been on the other side for many years and stopped following many blogs when they got their BFP. I pray every day for my IF blog friends and that they all get BFP soon.

I’m off to Costco to get my meds! I hope everyone is having a fabulous day!

Monday, April 11, 2011

This weekend we started telling the rest of our families and close friends our news.  Today, I am FREAKING out thinking of all the people I would have to untell if this doesn’t work out.  Yep - I just chickened out telling my boss this week.  Hopefully, I can find some more black shirts to wear to hide the bloat for another week until I man up and let the world know my little secret.  Thank god for the Doppler! 

Friday, April 8, 2011

NT Scan

Today was my NT scan.  They did an U/S and blood work.  I will get the results in about 10 days.  I am not worried because the measurements were all within the limits.  The real reason we opted for the scan was the U/S.  The little one actually waved at us today!  Very cool.  I am now 12w4d and it still doesn’t feel real.  I am excited and getting a little bit less scared of a miscarriage but I still worry.  This weekend we are going to tell the rest of our families who don’t know already.  I will probably work up enough nerve to tell my boss next week.  I still have a problem saying “it” out loud. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Wow - 12 weeks!

I’m still here wondering if this is actually going to happen. I had my first OB appointment last Thursday. They did all the normal stuff like a pap and gave me tons of information. Then the OB said she would use the Doppler just for my peace of mind. Well, because of my tilted uterus she couldn’t find the heartbeat so I got an U/S! Everything is perfect and I am now measuring on schedule (11w4d on Thursday). Today I hit that infamous 12 week mark! I am just amazed that I have made it this far!

At the OB appointment the dr asked me if I was going to breastfeed. I was a little shocked that she asked me about something that was so far down the road. I have not really thought about anything past the 12 week mark let alone after the baby was actually born. I answered yes because I always assumed I would breastfeed if I could but it was just a bit weird.

I am going to call to set up our first trimester NT screening. I was debating on getting this done but in the end an additional U/S won. The results won’t matter one way or another but I guess it would be nice to know if something was wrong to prepare. After our screening I think I will start telling people about this pregnancy. I am not sure how much longer I can hide it from work. I work with mostly guys…I don’t think they will notice the additional weight in my stomach but they will notice the growing boobs soon enough. Thanks for sticking with me though all this. I have really needed your comments and support! I hope everyone had a great weekend! Cheers!


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