I had actually forgotten we were tested until I got the phone call with the results. I was surprised to see that my doctors office was calling me and I innocently answered. The NT test scans for Down syndrome and Trisomy 19. The nurse told me that I was high risk for Down syndrome – a 1 and 6 chance and low risk for the Trisomy. I was shocked. I didn’t expect to be in the high risk category. I know that my risk goes up because I am 35 but I hated actually hearing this. So there is an 83% chance this baby is totally normal. I just hate the fact that I even have to worry about the other 17% …I know there are lots of false positives with this test but I am usually not that lucky. I think we have decided to get an amnio just to know. I need to be prepared if our little baby has downs. Any others out there that had an amnio done?
*The anti nausea meds have been helping! It feels nice to eat a normal meal again.
** Edit to post - I forgot to mention that we did talk to a genetics but he didn’t give us any information that we didn’t already know thanks to Dr Google. Basically my hormone levels are off and my age point to downs. I was too far along for the CVS scan so I have to wait. They never mentioned anything about a second blood draw...I will do some checking. My Anatomy scan and Amino is scheduled for May 17th - I will be 18.5 weeks along.