I called the RE two weeks ago on my CD1 just to see what testing they were going to make me do again if we want to proceed with a FET in November. I assume they will want to do some blood work and I am hoping that I will not need another HSG. They called back and said that the first step was to meet with the RE…so…
I have an appointment with my RE tomorrow and I have such mixed emotions. I can’t believe I have to go back after they made such a big deal about me graduating from there back in March. I am nervous and have butterflies…a little part of me is excited with the thought of trying again and the other part is terrified. All the what ifs are running through my head and it keeps bringing tears to my eyes. I thought the next time I would be in his office I would be one of the annoying moms dragging her screaming two year old in (annoying all the other IFers) to do a FET for our second kid. Now I will be in his office having to tell him Gavin’s story through tears trying to keep it together long enough to hear his thoughts on everything. I will let you know how it goes!