Friday, January 28, 2011

A Good Report from the Dentist!

Let me start off by saying I have always gotten a good report from my dentist! That is until I started fertility treatments. Two out of the past three cleanings they have noted that my gums bleed. It just so happened that both of those cleanings were after my miscarriages when I was going through my 10 IUIs.

Looks like this article might have some explanation for me. Seems like Clomid can cause sensitive gums and bleeding.

I went in for my dental cleaning today fully expecting a bad report but she noted that everything looked great and I didn’t have any bleeding. I was a little surprised because I am on all sorts of estrogen, progesterone, and other meds for IVF. I always thought it was all the hormones left from the miscarriages that caused the bad dentist report…I guess it was just the Clomid.


  1. Good for you! I hate the dentist, so a good report is something to celebrate!

  2. stupid clomid, that drug sucks in every way I guess (even according to your teeth).

  3. Thinking of you today as I know your transfer is coming up. Also, I've been enjoying following your blog over the last month since I found this community, and I wanted to let you know I gave you an award. Stop by and check it out.

  4. clomid is evil!!! lol. i hated it. glad it looks better. looking forward to your update after transfer today. thinking of you!

  5. Yucky Clomid! Glad to hear you had an awesome dentist report!

  6. Color me jealous - I never get a good report from the dentist.



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