Sunday, April 25, 2010

Another start

Hells ya! – My BFF just arrived! I always find it amusing when Aunt Flo shows up and I am happy. She usually brings such sadness with her. I just left a message at the Dr so hopefully I will get my FET protocol soon.

I had a good therapeutic weekend. Spent some quality time with my husband Saturday morning! Since we are rolling right into FET from IVF we have not had much of a chance for intimacy this past month. I hope he enjoyed it because Aunt Flo is now here and who knows what this months protocol will be.

I also read Knocked Up, Knocked Down. It’s an amazing book by a fellow blogger. If you have ever had a miscarriage you should take the time to read it. I had a good cry and decided that I need to not let all this get to me. I think going through IF has depressed me and it is starting to affect my relationships with my family, friends and husband. I need to decide to let the past be and get back to my old self. Time to start the healing process!


  1. Good luck with your upcoming FET! It is always an exciting time to be starting a new cycle. Sending positive vibes that this is the one! Looking forward to following your journey!

  2. Congrats on starting a blog! I've found it to be a very therapeutic and supportive venture.

    I'm curious as to what defines low morphology. My DH has a morphology of 15% (where normal is 30%) but this doesn't seem to trouble the two RE's I've spoken to about it.

    Anyway, I hope you continue on with the healing process. Acupuncture is really great, and I hope it helps everything with your upcoming FET cycle.

  3. Stickels McQueen - The Doctor has never really defined low morphology for us. They have said we are lower than normal. I think they said 8% and we should be at 15%. That is the only issue they have found during testing.

    Beckie - thanks - this is exciting but also nerve racking. I just need to find a way to stay busy. I think this new blog will help!

  4. IF is such a depressing roller coaster. I hope that you will be able to heal and get back to being your old self.



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