We just finished up with our test results appointment with our RE. Everything is normal. Well, I guess as normal as sitting in your RE’s office after years of treatment without a baby can be.
I think we have a plan – Hubby and I have to chat about it a little more. There are things to consider like should we wait until the new year when my insurance coverage resets and figuring out when we want to go to NYC! I would like us to be on all the prescribed supplements/vitamins for at least three months before doing IVF again (this also means good bye to my beloved diet coke). The Dr agreed with me on that. So that takes us up to starting BCP in October and IVF in November at the earliest.
We currently have a $4500 credit at the RE’s because my insurance company decided to give us some IF coverage for the last cycle. The coverage has now been maxed out. So, if we proceed with IVF this year then we would owe another $6000 plus meds. If we wait until January we would probably only need to pay for meds. I know this sounds like a no brainer but I am having trouble agreeing to wait. I have waited long enough and those last two months might kill me. If we wait until January then we can take our NYC trip in November like planned and we won’t have to worry about IVF meds or anything.
The Dr also said he would be switching my protocol to Lupron - last time I was on Follistim. He thinks the Lupron will help with the number of eggs. Any comments on the two protocols? Anything I should be aware of? They will also shorten my time on BCP’s from three weeks to two weeks. He believes this will help my follicles kick start in the beginning.
That’s it for now…I guess I need to figure out my plan. Is it worth being practical – probably. I guess I shouldn’t try to cram a trip and IVF all in this year and have to pay extra for it.