Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Does anyone else out there have an infatuation with Firemen like I do? I seriously get giddy when I see them. It just so happens that they like to shop at the grocery store by my house. The other day I was literally following them around the store with a cheesy grin on my face feeling like I was 14 years old totally crushing on them. I was actually trying to think of a way to trip or faint so they would rush to my aid. I decided against it because I am not a very good actress.


  1. OOOOhhhLaaaLaaa!! Thanks for the eye candy!

  2. haha, there's a fire station on my block where i live. but i actually get NERVOUS walking by them, bc they always congregate outside and are seriously hot. heehee :o)

  3. Daaayyyy-um! Now THAT is the right way to start the day!!

  4. HA! Maybe you need to convince your husband into a career change!

  5. Unfortunately, most of the firemen I see don't look anything like those--more kinda plum and with giant moustaches! You're a lucky girl!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog and I LOVE what you call IUIs. Gotta find humor/fun in this whole thing somewhere, right?

  7. I would be catapulted back to my teens if saw a group of fire men that looked like that. Thanks for the post!

  8. Yum! Yum! I don't restrict my eye candy to firemen only. Any man with muscles like that is a worthwhile distraction! I just drooled over a security guard at my country club this past weekend. Muscles bulging from underneath a uniform and a cute face-what more can I do but drool? LOL!



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